Patio Doors Lexington SC Create a Seamless Transition Between Indoors and Out

Patio doors Lexington SC provide an easy transition from indoor space to the great outdoors, and come in various styles and configurations that fit seamlessly into any home’s architecture.

These doors bring natural light into your living spaces and reduce energy bills during the daytime, brightening up your home while also adding aesthetic value. They come with different design options to meet all tastes and decor choices.

Sliding Doors

Patio doors in Lexington SC enable homeowners to seamlessly transition between indoor and outdoor living spaces, providing natural light into interior rooms through large expanses of glass while offering easy access to outdoor living areas in the backyard. Furthermore, these doors can feature customizable hardware that complements both architectural style and design aesthetic.

These doors help increase home comfort and energy efficiency with large glass panels that let in natural light, helping reduce heating and cooling costs. Our sliding patio doors also feature strong frames made with aluminum and steel-reinforced stiles designed to last a lifetime, code-compliant tempered safety glass panels, vinyl gliding panels riding smoothly over stainless-steel rollers with extra-strong fiberglass threshold sill thresholds, code compliant safety glass tempered safety panels, code compliant safety glazing as well as code compliant tempered safety glass panels built to comply with code compliant standards tempered safety glass tempered safety glasses designed to operate smoothly over durable vinyl gliding panels atop stainless-steel rolling systems featuring extra-strong fiberglass sill thresholds allowing natural lighting into every corner of a room or space!

Sliding door upgrades with between-the-glass blinds provide privacy while controlling how much light comes through. Plus, these blinds are easier to keep clean than other window treatments and won’t interfere with your view of nature!

Hinged Doors

Hinged patio doors allow for an unobstructed view of your yard, enabling you to keep an eye on children and animals as they play outdoors. Furthermore, these doors can bring in additional natural light into your living areas for added brightness – perfect for rooms without windows!

When it comes to selecting the appropriate hinge for your door, two primary factors need to be taken into account: weight and frequency of usage. Most conventional hinges feature a backplate designed to disperse force across its entirety and avoid premature wear and tear.

Measure both the length and width of your doorframe to make sure that it fits, then choose a hinge size that complements them. Also consider whether disc-bearing or ball-bearing hinges are more suited to the weight and frequency of door usage – there’s sure to be one to fit into any home design scheme! Hinges come with many finishes for added flair!

Storm Doors

Add an extra layer of protection to your custom patio doors with a sturdy storm door from Renewal by Andersen. Our ProVia storm doors are 20% thicker than industry standards, feature customizable height options, styles, glass inserts and self-storing screens, making for the ideal protection. Our full storm door installation services can ensure maximum efficiency.

Wood screen doors are popular but need frequent upkeep (fig 1), they also twist inward requiring unsightly tension cables and allow insects to come through. Vinyl screens may be less costly but their flexibility causes warps that cause them to warp over time causing sags in them (fig 2) causing out-of-square doors with gaps for insects to access the room.

ProVia storm doors boast enhanced energy efficiency with insulation foam and LowE or Argon glass packages that help lower utility bills while making life more comfortable year round.

Replacement Windows

Replacement window installation projects can make a dramatic statement about the look and feel of your home, making a lasting impactful statement about you. When searching for providers, ensure they understand local climate needs as well as homeowner requirements.

Experienced providers can also advise on which frame material would best suit your Lexington home. Aluminum and vinyl frames offer greater energy-efficiency while wood offers better insulation but requires regular sealing and staining to remain energy efficient.

JELD-WEN and Milgard offer patio doors with multiple design features, from decorative upgrades to functional upgrades like inward tilting double-hung windows or self-storing screens. Furthermore, protective storm door brands like Renewal by Andersen or ProVia may provide extra protection.